Results & Downloads
Scientific publication
The paper “MmWave for Extended Reality: Open User Mobility Dataset, Characterisation, and Impact on Link Quality” was published in IEEE Communications Magazine. The authors are Alexander Marinsek, Sam De Kunst, Gilles Callebaut, Lieven De Strycker, Liesbet Van der Perre.
6GTandem Newsletter Issue 03
The 3rd issue of the 6GTandem newsletter has been released. It focuses on the latest project progress and the key achievements during the past few months.
Scientific publication
The paper “Channel Performance Metrics and Evaluation for XR Head-Mounted Displays with mmWave Arrays” was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications. The authors are Alexander Marinsek, Xuesong Ca, Lieven De Strycker, Fredrik Tufvesson and Liesbet Van der Perre.
D6.1 “Plan for dissemination and exploitation incl. communication activities”
This deliverable provides an initial plan for dissemination and exploitation incl. communication activities and training and will be periodically updated based on the project’s progress. It also constitutes an initial dissemination & communication kit for 6GTandem, as well as the launch of the project website and communication infrastructure in M03.
D1.1 “Project quality plan”
This project quality plan constitutes a set of project templates and explains the project management, review and internal quality control process, as well as other organizational topics such as meeting organization. It further includes the open science practices within the 6GTandem project. This handbook shall support all partners in their daily work.
Scientific Publication
The paper “Circularly Polarized Sub-THz Antenna Design for Distributed Deployment” was presented at EuCAP 2024. The authors are Yuyan Cao, Maciej Wojnowski and Buon Kiong Lau.
Scientific publication
The paper “Impact of array configuration on head-mounted display performance at mmWave bands” is now available for open access on ArXiv. The authors are Alexander Marinsek, Xuesong Cai, Lieven De Strycker, Fredrik Tufvesson and Liesbet Van der Perre.
6GTandem Newsletter Issue 02
The 2nd 6GTandem newsletter has been released, which is focused on the current status of the project and future plans.
Scientific Publication
An Open Dataset Storage Standard for 6G Testbeds has been published by Gilles Callebaut, Michiel Sandra, Christian Nelson, Thomas Wilding, Daan Delabie, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, William Tärneberg, Emma Fitzgerald, Liesbet Van der Perre from the 6GTandem consortium. The paper was successfully presented at IEEE CAMA 2023.
Scientific Publication
The paper 6G Radio Testbeds: Requirements, Trends, and Approaches, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Microwave Magazine’s Wireless Communications Focus Issue by the MTT-S TC-23. The authors are Gilles Callebaut, Liang Liu, Thomas Eriksson, Liesbet Van der Perre, Ove Edfors and Christian Fager.
6GTandem Newsletter Issue 01
The 1st 6GTandem newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first 4 project months.
ETSI Research Conference 2023
On 8th February 2023 the 6GTandem technical lead, Parisa Aghdam from Ericsson AB, presented the Horizon Europe 6GTandem project within the ETSI Research Conference.
6GTandem Leaflet
The official leaflet of the Horizon Europe project “6GTandem” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.
6GTandem Announcement Letter
The Horizon Europe project “6GTandem” will co-design novel dual-frequency operation at sub-10 GHz and sub-THz frequencies and a new highly integrated and distributed radio transceiver architecture to deliver high-performance energy efficient services for future 6G applications.